Tigger Travels - Family Adventure Journal
Photos From Tigger`s Travels and MORE!
High Line Railroad Park and Rotary Snowplow
 Click to enlarge image This steam engine is equiped with a HUGE rotary blade. At the very top edge of the image, that dark area is the shoot that could throw the removed snow up to 30 feet in either direction from the tracks.
 Click to enlarge image While in use, these blades would spin and clear snow. They can be adjusted to pick up more or less snow by the train engineer as needed.
 Click to enlarge image Engine #9
 Click to enlarge image This shows a better view on the top where the shoot is at the top of the cylindrical part of this rotaryplow
 Click to enlarge image Simply put.. it is HUGE!!!
Railroad Engines and Cars on display in Breckenridge, Colorado that will impress. |
On the way into Breckenridge from the south, Tigger and his entourage arrived on highway 9 from the Hoosier Pass (another story). Just before hitting the center of town, just a block off to the right is the High Line Railroad Park also called Rotary Snowplow Park.
Railroads played a HUGE part in the growth and development of many communities throughout this area of Colorado as they served as a life line to supplies and new residents. They used narrow gauge rails to navigate these high and dangerous mountains. In the winter months they had to be kept clear of not just inches of snow but as much as dozens of feet of snow at a time!!!
Just standing next to the Rotary Snowplow Engine gives guests the feel of what was needed to keep the passes to the west open and even sometimes this engine was not enough. As many as SEVEN steam powered engines were used to push the monstrous blades of this engine into solid snow banks that hurled the snow as much as 30 feet to either side of the tracks.
Also seen here is one of several steam engines that were used to traverse the rugged terrain.
Engine No. 9 was one of a pioneering set of locomotives that used narrow-gauge rail to navigate the high and dangerous mountain terrain of Colorado. A true icon of railroad heritage, Engine No. 9, represents the life-blood that enabled Colorado mining communities to survive and thrive in the late 1800s and early 1900s. At that time, massive rotary snowplow machines with giant snow-blowing blades were used to clear snow from the railroad tracks. Today you can see Engine No. 9 near the original High Line track that came into Breckenridge from Boreas Pass, a restored rotary - one of only five known narrow-gauge rotaries still in existence - as well as a boxcar diorama display, and newly-added replica C&S caboose and flatcar exhibit.
During the open hours guest can tour the box car and see even more of the display up close.
0300-1525-0844 Breckenridge
0300-1525 Colorado
0300-1525-0844-3435 High Line Railroad Park Date taken: 2016 08 Important Links: Breckenridge Heritage Alliance
On Facebook: Breckenridge Heritage Alliance
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